Our Kakaako

Our Kakaako is an urban mixed-use master planned neighborhood in the heart of Honolulu. The landowner and visionary behind the masterplan is Kamehameha Schools who is also one of the largest landowners in the State of Hawaii. Through the legacy of its founder, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, KS has an endowment which includes 365,000 acres of land statewide. 29 acres of prime Kakaako land represents a small portion of the commerical land in that portfolio. KS relies heavily on it's income from commerical properties to fund it's statwide educational program, which was the original intent of the endowment. 

History of Kakaako

Kakaako was once home to fish ponds, fishing villages, and salt flats. Salt, was the gold of that generation, and was used as a  preservative, medicine, and purifier. The land eventually transitioned to a residential and industrial community as urban Honolulu was starting to take shape. Schools, churches, and parks were built to support the growing workforce. Eventually the area became more comericalized with wholesaler and warehouses popping up which is very similar to the Kakaako we saw 10 - 15 years ago. 

Phase 1

In 2009, the Kaiaulu o Kakaako Master Plan was approved by the Hawaii Communtity Development Authority (HCDA). Construction on phase 1 started in 2014 which saw 4 of the 9 block within Our Kakaako get developed. These projects were Keauhou Place, 400 Keawe, The Collection, and The Flats at Puunui which is an affordable housing rental project. SALT was also completed in increment I and serves as the gathering place and commercial hub for the area. 

In phase 1 we saw a total of 1,336 total housing units built. 34% or 456 total units were affordable/workforce housing. 

Phase II

Fast forward from 2016 when phase 1 was completed and SALT opened to the publuc, we now see KS and developer parterns annoucing new projects for phase II. The remaing 5 blocks of land that are currently used for light industrial, used car lots, and service centers will be future homes to new condos bringing more residents to the neighborhood. The three projects that were recently annouced in early 2023 area, Alia, Kahuina, and Kaliu. These projects along with the two future unnamed projects, will bring more commerical space to the neighborhood, walkable sidewalks, treelined streets, and so much more. 


Alia was the first new project annouced as part of phase II. This project located at the corner of Ala Moana Blvd and Koula st will be a luxury development by The Kobayashi Group. This will be the first "luxury" condo in Our Kakaako, though there will be 40 reserved housing units located in a podium. (Alia, pictured below)


Of the three project already annouced, we know the least about Kaliu. What we do know is that the developer is Prospac Holdings which recently completed another project in Midtown Ala Moana called Azure Ala Moana. This project was a huge success selling out very quickly and early buyers are seeing excellent appreciation on their investment. Kaliu will be built on a parcel adjacent to SALT which will be really convenient for future residents. 


Kahuina is the largest in-scale of the three proejcts recently annoucned. This project sits on a 3.66 acre site which is one of the largest sites in Our Kakaako. Kahuina will have two separate towers and will have a diverse mix of housing available. Market, workforce and affordable rentals units will make up the 859 total units in the project. Stanford Carr Development is the developer of record.